Riboxx GmbH


Meißner Straße 191
01445 Radebeul


Tel: 0351 833601 0 Fax: 0351 833601 39 www.riboxx.com


Prof. Dr. Jacques Rohayem
Meißner Straße 191
01445 Radebeul
Tel: 0351 833601 0 Fax: 0351 833601 39


Entwicklung, Produktion und Vermarktung von RNAi-Werkzeugen

Riboxx develops innovative molecular tools for RNA interference. RNA interference is an expanding technology in life sciences with a very strong potential:

- for therapy of degenerative diseases (i.e. Macula degenerescence), infectious diseases (i.e. Flu) or cancer (i.e. Hepatocarcinoma) but also undruggable diseases
- for experiments aiming at gene silencing in all fields of life science, in particular drug discovery.

riboxx® stays for “RNA-interference in a box®”, providing life scientists with toolboxes for synthesis, purification and analysis of highly potent siRNA as well as the corresponding services. The riboxx® technology is robust, fast, easy-to-use, reliable, and fully customizable.

RNAi Products and Services - Riboxx offers gene silencing solutions for life scientists. Our special riboxx® siRNA motif constantly maximizes the success of your experiments even if you are working with genes that are hard to regulate. For your convenience use a siRNA prediction tool offering you the most promising siRNA sequences


Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Spezialitäten und sonstigen pharmazeutischen Erzeugnissen
Handelsvermittlung von pharmazeutischen Erzeugnissen, medizinischen und orthopädischen Artikeln und Laborbedarf, Ärztebedarf, Dentalbedarf, zahnärztlichen Instrumenten, Krankenhaus- und Altenpflegebedarf

Sächsische Technologiebereiche

Biotechnologie - alle
Digitalisierung Gesundheitswirtschaft - alle
Medizintechnik - alle
Letzte Änderung: 29.12.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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