Effigos AG


Deutscher Platz 4
04103 Leipzig


Tel: +49 341 246821071 Fax: +49 341 246821079 www.effigos.de


Dr. Jens Grosche
Deutscher Platz 4
04103 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 24682 1071 Fax: 0341 24682 1079


Effigos creates three-dimensional graphics of biological structures and processes
for all areas of the life sciences:

* Biology
* Biochemistry
* Human and Veterinary Medicine
* Biotechnology
* Pharmacology
* Agricultural Science

Our aim is to provide 3D graphics and animations of virtual mockups –
scientifically researched, didactically prepared, and appealing.

The mockups are designed from the anatomical representation down to the cellular level.

Not only the human being can be center of visualization projects; any other species (animals, plants, fungi, micro-organisms) can be focused on as well.

Effigos creates three-dimensional graphics and animations
- of biological structures and processes for all areas of the life sciences,
- scientifically researched, didactically prepared and appealing,
- designed from the anatomical representation down to the cellular level,
- used in science, education, industry and media.


Verlegen von Software
Sonstige Softwareentwicklung

Sächsische Technologiebereiche

Biotechnologie - alle
Digitalisierung Gesundheitswirtschaft - alle
Medizintechnik - alle
Pharmazeutik - alle
Software - alle
Software - Anwendungssoftware - alle
Software - Anwendungssoftware - Medizin/Pflege
Software - Forschung und Bildung - alle
Software - Forschung und Bildung - Auftragsforschung
Software - Neue Medien - Agenturen/ Cross-Media-Dienstleistungen
Software - Neue Medien - alle
Letzte Änderung: 29.12.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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