FusionSystems GmbH


Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz


Tel: +49 371 5347730 Fax: +49 371 5347733 www.fusionsystems.de

Contact person

Dr. Ullrich Scheunert
Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz
Tel: 0371 5347 730


Industrial image processing (sorting, counting, tolerance control etc.); Driver assistance systems (recognition of pedestrians, vehicles and infrastructure); Optical Navigation systems for Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS)

FusionSystems specializes in sensor data processing and multi sensor data fusion. Our competencies include leading technologies in present and future markets such as automation, digitization and automotive. We create smart systems for image processing and automated quality control, the navigation and control of mobile systems as well as automotive applications such as driver assistance and automated driving. This is how we contribute to energy efficiency and sustainability.

- Smart sensor systems for data acquisition, processing and analysis
- Big data and Industry 4.0
- Intelligent process monitoring and optimization
- Automated quality control, surface inspection and 100% inspection via image processing
- Indoor and outdoor data acquisition and visualization
- 2D/3D interactive maps
- Path planning and navigation
- Software development for driver assistance systems and ressource-efficient automated driving


Herstellung von elektrischen Mess-, Kontroll-, Navigations- u. ä. Instrumenten und Vorrichtungen

Saxon technology areas

Automobilindustrie - alle
Automobilindustrie - Organisationen, Verbände, Öffentliche Institutionen
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - Fahrzeugteile
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - Forschung und Bildung
Elektronik - alle
Elektronik - Forschung und Bildung
Elektronik - Geräteindustrie
Energie - alle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Wasserstofftechnologie
Logistik - alle
Logistik - Forschung und Bildung
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - Automation
Maschinenbau - Fördertechnik und Intralogistik
Maschinenbau - Robotik
Maschinenbau - Sensorik, Meß- und Prüftechnik
Record changed: 29.12.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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