TU Dresden - Medizinische Fakultät, OncoRay - Zentrum für Innovationskompetenz für Medizinische Strahlenforschung in der Onkologie Dresden


Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden


Tel: 0351 458 5414 Fax: 0351 458 7311 www.oncoray.de

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann
Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
Tel: 0351 458 5414 Fax: 0351 458 7311


The Dresden center OncoRay is an interdisciplinary research centre and one of the six awardees of “Center for Innovation Competence” of the 2004 “Create Excellence - Foster Talent” program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Center started in 2005.

OncoRay's vision is to improve the treatment of cancer by means of biologically individualised, technically optimised radiotherapy. Focus and strategy are aimed at preclinical and clinical translational research. Nowadays the centre contains six complementary and closely interacting groups of scientists.

Currently OncoRay offers a Masters Degree in “Medical Radiation Sciences” and a PhD-Program at the OncoRay Postgraduate School.

OncoRay is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts and the European Regional Development Fund.


Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

Saxon technology areas

BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Medizintechnik - alle
Record changed: 15.07.2022 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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