Netzwerk Energie & Umwelt e.V. c/o Stadt Leipzig, Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung


Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6
04109 Leipzig


Tel: 0341 121 3317 Fax: 0341 123 5860

Contact person

Kai-Uwe Blechschmidt
Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6
04109 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 121 7906 Fax: 0341 123 5860
Sandra Kästner
Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6
04109 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 121 3317 Fax: 0341 123 5860


The economic cluster “energy & environmental engineering” serves as a platform for communication and cooperation between business represen¬tatives, researchers and politicians of the energy branch of Leipzig. Coordinated by the association Netzwerk Energie & Umwelt e. V. the cluster fosters the transfer of knowledge and technology and exploits potential for innovation. In the field of energy storage technologies key players are working along the whole supply chain. Research and de¬ve¬lopment are done by the scientific institute Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e. V. at the University of Leipzig and brought together with flanking research approaches in the Virtual Institute for Energy Research. In addition Germany’s third biggest gas storage operator, the Verbund¬netz Gas AG, is based in Leipzig. For the realisation of engineering concepts with integrated energy storage technologies the efa Leipzig GmbH is a qualified partner. In order to connect and utilize the various competences of the cluster participants, the NEU e. V. is currently initiating and supporting a joint project which is focused on the develop¬ment of an innovative concept for the demand-orientated storage of surplus electricity.

Competences and Primary Activities:

• NEU is the management organisation of Leipzig’s Cluster for Energy & Environment
• Promoting communication between the involved cluster actors
• Site-related marketing to further the development of Leipzig
• Coordination of knowledge and technology transfer
• Promotion of professional orientation and qualification of employees
• Improvement of the regional framework for the cluster
• Promotion of national and international cooperation
• Projects, cooperations and common product development

Key Research Activities:

• International projects with research institutions (DBFZ, UFZ)
• Practical-oriented research within the working groups
• E-mobility, thermal storage, hydrothermal carbonization
• International project development (Eastern Europe)


Interessenvertretungen und Vereinigungen a. n. g.

Saxon technology areas

Energie - Energieeffizienz - Gebäudetechnik / Bauwirtschaft
Energie - Energieeffizienz - in der Produktion / im Prozess
Energie - Speichertechnik - Batterietechnik
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Thermische Energie
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Forschung und Bildung
Umwelttechnik - Recycling / Abfall
Umwelttechnik - Wasser / Abwasser
Record changed: 12.07.2021 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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