TU Dresden - Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM)

Contact person

Dr.-Ing. Anna Görner
Zellescher Weg 41c
01062 Dresden
Tel: 0351 497 9911 Fax: 0351 495 1215


Competences and Primary Activities:

The profile of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences is unique in Germany in that it unites three essential environment-related disciplines (forest, geo, water) under one umbrella. The central focus of activity is the monitoring of the “Earth System” at the global, regional and local levels and the use of this knowledge in the context of the sustainable development of the human environment.

The Faculty’s research activities cover a wide range of topics and are firmly embedded in both regional and international research networks. A close cooperation exists with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR) in Dresden and the FLORES Institute of the United Nations University (UNU). This newly established UN institute in Dresden focuses on the integrated and sustainable management of water, soil and waste resources.

Furthermore, the Faculty is hosting the UNEP / UNESCO / BMU postgraduate course ’Environmental Management’. Here, specialists and managers from developing and emerging countries receive sound university training in various environment-related fields.


Forschung und Entwicklung

Saxon technology areas

Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Forschung und Bildung
Umwelttechnik - Institutionen / Verbände / Netzwerke
Record changed: 10.05.2021 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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