TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Lithium-Initiative


Leipziger Straße 29
09596 Freiberg


Tel: 03731 39 3194 Fax: 03731 39 4058 www.lithium.tu-freiberg.de

Contact person

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang Voigt
Leipziger Straße 29
09596 Freiberg
Tel: 03731 39 4338 Fax: 03731 39 4058


At the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology research and development for lithium recovery is an on-going topic since 2009 and covers the complete spectrum of resources and processing steps. The individual research activities are co-ordinated in the “Lithium Initiative”.
There exists particular experience in the areas of exploration and recovery from salt lakes (South America, China, Turkey) as well as from silicates (Zinnwaldite, Erzgebirge mountains). In respect to the latter a collaboration network with companies in Saxony was established. The R&D activities include aspects of recycling and economic studies.


Forschung und Entwicklung

Saxon technology areas

Energie - Speichertechnik - Batterietechnik
Maschinenbau - Mining
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Forschung und Bildung
Record changed: 20.02.2020 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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