BIOREC Dr. SCHLUTTIG Medizinischer Apparatebau


Nordstraße 18
02991 Lauta


Tel: 035722 91343 Fax: 035722 91344

Contact person

Dr. Alexander Schluttig
Nordstraße 18
02991 Lauta
Tel: 035722 91343


BIOREC Dr.SCHLUTTIG is specialized in the development of disinfection equipment designed to eliminate infectious aerosols in clinical sanitary areas.

Our disinfection device for sink drains, the "BIOREC Medical Hygiene Siphon", prevents the formation of infectious aerosols during the use of washbasins, sinks, shower trays, bathing and birthing tubs by continuos desinfection of the siphons by eliminating these sources of pathogens.

You have to know that sink drain traps (siphon) are the major source of pathogens outside the human body in the patients environment !

The disinfection device is designed for use in the following clinical risk areas responsible for seriously immunocomprimised patients.

Intensive Care Units
Haematological Oncology
Bone Marrow Transplantation Units
Organ Transplantation Centres
Large Area Burn Centres

The device was continuously developed since 1997 and has passed several clinical tests extraordinary successfully.

All clinical studies demonstrated that completely eliminating the development of infectious aerosols in sink drains is an extremely effective tool as regards both a reduction in patient colonising with nosocomial pathogens and a subsequent avoidance of nosocomial infections.


Herstellung von medizintechnischen Apparaten und Materialien a. n. g.
Handelsvermittlung von pharmazeutischen Erzeugnissen, medizinischen und orthopädischen Artikeln und Laborbedarf, Ärztebedarf, Dentalbedarf, zahnärztlichen Instrumenten, Krankenhaus- und Altenpflegebedarf

Saxon technology areas

Medizintechnik - alle
Record changed: 04.12.2014 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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