Linde AG, Engineering Division - Standort Dresden


Bodenbacher Straße 80
01277 Dresden


Tel: 0351 250 3512 Fax: 0351 250 4800

Contact person

Dirk Richter
Bodenbacher Straße 80
01277 Dresden
Tel: 0351 250 30 Fax: 0351 250 4808


Linde Engineering Dresden GmbH, a subsidiary of The Linde Group, is one of the leading companies worldwide in the design, delivery and construction of chemical, gas, biotechnological and pharmaceutical plants. Our offer to our clients is comprehensive know-how in project management and engineering. We realise Linde processes as well as licensed and customer-owned processes.

Linde Engineering Dresden GmbH employs approximately 500 highly motivated people utilizing state of the art tools and systems. We are a globally acting EPC contractor, realizing plant construction projects for our clients.

Combining our well known engineering capabilities, innovative strength and technical know-how with own Linde process technologies as well as with third party processes we guide our clients through their projects, starting from the conceptual phase all the way to successful operation of the plants.

Using this flexible approach we do not only execute projects in traditional fields, such as petrochemical and chemical plants, refineries, gas plants and air separation units.

We also apply our know-how on new and innovative technologies. Among those we specialize in industrial (white) and pharmaceutical (red) biotechnology plants, as well as in CCS (carbon capture and storage) and CO2 plants, where we have become a leading global player.

Petrochemical Plants, Polyolefin Plants, Downstream Petrochemicals, Chemical Plants, Alpha-olefin Plants, Oil Refinery Plants, Purge Gas Recovery Plants, Air Separation and Liquefaction Plants, Air Separation and Liquefaction Plants, Carbon and Energy Solutions, CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Plants, CO2 Plants, Geothermal Power Plants, Biomass Gasification, FBD (WTA) Lignite Drying Plants (RWE license), Biotechnology Plants, For Industrial (White) Biotechnology, For Pharmaceutical (Red) Biotechnology


Herstellung von Maschinen für sonstige bestimmte Wirtschaftszweige a. n. g.

Saxon technology areas

Biotechnologie - alle
Energie - alle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Wasserstofftechnologie
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - sonstiger Maschinenbau
Maschinenbau - verfahrenstechnische Anlagen und Apparate
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Recycling / Abfall
Record changed: 27.10.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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