IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH


Wilhelmine-Reichard-Ring 4
01109 Dresden


Tel: 0351 8837 0 Fax: +49 351 88376312

Contact person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fleischer
Wilhelmine-Reichard-Ring 4
01109 Dresden
Tel: 0351 8837 2264 Fax: 0351 8837 313


The IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH (IMA Material Research and Application Technology Ltd.) carries out technical and scientific services and research work in the fields of material, component part and product testing and appraisal.

The company deals with practice-orientated tasks relating to material research, calculating, testing and quality assurance, as well as to wearing protection for aeronautical and aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, plant and apparatus construction, road building and rail car construction, the plastic industry, the iron and steel industry and structural steel and light metal engineering.

It originates from the Institut für Leichtbau (Institute for Lightweight Construction), which emerged from the Dresden aviation industry in 1961, and feels an obligation to that tradition.

IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH Dresden (lMA Dresden) develops and realises tailor-made tests for all materials and components. In addition, at IMA you can find comprehensive engineering expertise in issues of stability, function and reliability - ranging from application-oriented research to longterm measurements and quality assurance in operation.

At IMA you can find everything that is essential under one roof . Established between research and industry, we will accompany you, if desired, along the entire development process of a product in order to verify its durability, function and safety. This begins with load assessment and material consultation and ends with long-term monitoring and quality assurance - between these, you can expect a wide spectrum of services, including stability calculations, damage analysis, prototype construction for fibre composites and - as a focal point - the experimental component test. Development and design of test rigs are included. As we work in the sectors involving traffic engineering, plastics and metal industry and others, you will profit of our comprehensive know-how.

Often the devil is in the details. Numerous development-concurrent experiments are necessary to finally verify the stability of the component and to guarantee its safety. We attend to your railway vehicle components with the greatest of care, we examine every necessary detail and offer optimized test scenarios. Your requirements, as well as the existing railway specifications, are of course decisive.


Technische, physikalische und chemische Untersuchung
Sonstige Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

Saxon technology areas

Automobilindustrie - alle
Automobilindustrie - Organisationen, Verbände, Öffentliche Institutionen
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - Forschung und Bildung
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - industrienahe Dienstleistungen
Bahn - alle
Bahn - Industrie - alle
Bahn - Industrie - Fahrzeug
BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Energie - Windenergie - alle
Energie - Windenergie - Anlagenhersteller, Zulieferer, Dienstleister
Fahrrad, Bike, Bicycle - alle
Fahrrad, Bike, Bicycle - Hersteller, Komponentenhersteller
LIFE SCIENCES! (Biotechnologie, Medizintechnik, Pharma, Digitalisierung GW)
Luft- und Raumfahrt - alle
Luft- und Raumfahrt - F&E sowie techn.- wissenschaftl. Dienstleistungen
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Fertigung und Engineering
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - Forschung/Entwicklung und Bildung
Maschinenbau - Sensorik, Meß- und Prüftechnik
Medizintechnik - alle
Record changed: 25.01.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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