Nikkiso Cryotec GmbH


Dresdener Straße 76
04808 Wurzen


Tel: 03425 8965 1610 Fax: +49 3425 8965 1638

Contact person

Corinne Ziege
Dresdener Straße 76
04808 Wurzen
Tel: 03425 8965 1610 Fax: 03425 8965 1638


Cryotec - Specialists for technical gases
Based on traditional know-how, combined with state-of-the-art developments, our business units currently concentrate on machines and plants for:
- Air separation
- Carbon dioxide recovery (Scrubbing/ Liquefaction)
- Hydrocarbon - applications
- Special applications of technical gases
- Utilisation of industrial waste gas with ORC technology

Our activities include all the phases of a project, as for instance:
- Planning
- Development and design of the process
- Manufacturing and equipment supply
- Start-up / commissioning
- Training of customer's personnel
- Maintenance and technical support


Herstellung von sonstigen nicht wirtschaftszweigspezifischen Maschinen a. n. g.

Saxon technology areas

Energie - alle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Wasserstofftechnologie
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - Nahrungsmittel- und Verpackungsmaschinen
Maschinenbau - sonstiger Maschinenbau
Maschinenbau - verfahrenstechnische Anlagen und Apparate
Record changed: 02.09.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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