ILK Dresden - Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH


Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 20
01309 Dresden


Tel: 0351 408 1520 Fax: +49 351 4081525

Contact person

Ralf Herzog
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 20
01309 Dresden
Tel: 0351 4081 520 Fax: 0351 4081 525
Uwe Franzke
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 20
01309 Dresden
Tel: +49 351 4081520 Fax: 0351 4081 525


The Institute of Refrigeration and A/C is a non-profit R&D institution and serves for research, development and technology transfer on the fields of refrigeration and cryogenics, a/c and energy engineering, air pollution control and material engineering.

Investigation of equipment for combustion of biomass and flue gas treatment, characterization of air-transported aerosols, aerosol measurement instrumentation, development of cartridge-, bag- and electrostatic precipitators, performance test of precipitators and other filtering elements

Major customers, markets and industries:
Manufacturer of combustion furnaces and flue gas treatments, manufacturers and suppliers of filtration and dosing feeder techniques

Ice storage – Slurry ice as thermal energy storage (TESS), ice generation by evaporation of water under vacuum conditions with high efficiency; development and characterization of phase change materials (PCM); encapsulation of PCM; thermal storage systems with PCM temperature range: -30°C to +350°C; integration of thermal storages into energy systems (especially in off grid systems); proof of technical concepts, set up of prototypes, development of state of charge sensors and control strategies; integration of thermal storage systems into smart grids
development of mobile storage systems for the storage of fuel gas (compressed natural gas, compressed hydrogen) in the supercritical state at low/ cryogenic temperatures and high pressure (pressure vessel, pcm-storage, active refrigerator, passive recooling operation, controls and instruments, process measuring and control technology) for automotive application

Competences and Primary Activities:

• Separation of air pollutants
• Development of dust and gas filters
• Energy efficiency in bag house filtration
• Characterization of aerosols and gaseous substances
• Filter test including development of appropriate methodologies
• Evaluation of exhaust and ventilation systems
• Industrial measurements
• Development and design of multi-effect distillation plants
• Construction of prototype equipment

Competences and Primary Activities:

• Precipitation processes for fine and ultrafine particles
• Flue gas cleaning for biomass combustion units
• Emission behaviour of bag house filters
• Laser fumes and aerosols
• Mechanisms of hot gas cleaning with additives
• Agglomeration of particles and phase change effects
• Multi-Effect Plate heat exchanger


Sonstige Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

Saxon technology areas

Biotechnologie - alle
BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Energie - alle
Energie - Energieeffizienz - Gebäudetechnik / Bauwirtschaft
Energie - Energieeffizienz - in der Produktion / im Prozess
Energie - Geothermie - alle
Energie - Photovoltaik - alle
Energie - Photovoltaik - Hersteller, Zulieferer, Dienstleister
Energie - Solarthermie - alle
Energie - Solarthermie - Hersteller, Zulieferer, Dienstleister
Energie - Speichertechnik - Batterietechnik
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Thermische Energie
Medizintechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Luft / Luftreinhaltung
Umwelttechnik - Recycling / Abfall
Record changed: 29.12.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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