IPC Process-Center GmbH & Co. KG


Grunaer Weg 26
01277 Dresden


Tel: 0351 25840 Fax: 0351 2584340 www.ipc-dresden.de

Contact person

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IPC - your process centre for the food, feed and fine chemicals sector
IPC Process-Center GmbH & Co. KG is your partner for the contract manufacturing of innovative granulates and pellets. Experienced staff members create your product on schedule, reliably and in consistent quality. Generally we proceed in three steps:

First step: Feasibility study
In the feasibility study we check if it is possible to carry out your commission. Here we consider all available methods and technologies, taking all safety aspects and of course your budget into account.

Second step: Pilot production
The purpose of the pilot production is the optimization of the manufacturing process in order to develop a robust method that can be applied in the final production. Product quality and process parameters are coordinated in close cooperation with you.

Third step: Commissioned production
We then manufacture the desired quantity of your product at the final production scale according to your instructions. Our attention is equally focused on safety as on confidentiality. Upon request we will also supply full service for you.

The benefits for you:
Thanks to our know-how and the technical possibilities we have at our disposal, your products will be marketable faster – a definitive edge for you. With a contract manufacturer at your side, you can face market launch phases or fluctuating sales calmly. As a member of the Glatt Group, we will of course also assist you in establishing your own production plant.


Herstellung von sonstigen Nahrungsmitteln a. n. g.
Herstellung von sonstigen chemischen Erzeugnissen a. n. g.
Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Spezialitäten und sonstigen pharmazeutischen Erzeugnissen

Saxon technology areas

BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Digitalisierung Gesundheitswirtschaft - alle
ERNÄHRUNG! Ingredients
ERNÄHRUNG! Nutraceuticals
Pharmazeutik - alle
Record changed: 23.07.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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