DREWAG - Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH


Friedrich-List-Platz 2
01069 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 8604444 Fax: +49 351 8604545 www.drewag.de

Contact person

Ursula Gefrerer
Friedrich-List-Platz 2
01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 8604444 Fax: 0351 8604545
Lars Seiffert
Friedrich-List-Platz 2
01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 860 0 Fax: 0351 860 4545
Frank Michael Brinkmann
Friedrich-List-Platz 2
01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 860 0 Fax: 0351 860 4545


Supply of electric power, natural gas, district heat, and water as well as services in Dresden

Certifications: LSO 9001, water laboratory accredited by the Environmental Alliance of Saxony

Together with its subsidiary DREWAG NETZ GmbH, the DREWAGStadtwerke Dresden GmbH supplies about 300,000 customers with electricity, gas, district heat, and drinking water.

Competences and Primary Activities:
• Innovative power plants Dresden-Reick
- Networked operation of diverse technologies in the energy sector
- Efficient provision of flexibility potentials for mastering the challenges of the energy turnaround
- Highly efficient cogeneration system with large heat storage facility
- Option to supplement the system with an electrode boiler (power-toheat-concept) in the future
- 2.7 MW battery storage with a storage volume of 2 MWh; used in the primary control power (PCP) market for system stabilization
- 814 kWp photovoltaic system in an east-west orientation to avoid production peaks during time frames with general production surpluses

• Intelligent power grids (projects of the DREWAG NETZ GmbH)
- Project „SysDL2.0:“ Providing ancillary services from decentralized power plants (active and reactive power management)
- Project „NETZ:KRAFT:“ Grid reconstruction while considering future power plant structures (black-start ability, isolated operation)


Gasverteilung durch Rohrleitungen
Wärme- und Kälteversorgung
Wassergewinnung ohne Fremdbezug zur Verteilung

Saxon technology areas

Energie - alle
Energie - Photovoltaik - alle
Energie - Photovoltaik - Anlagenbetreiber
Energie - Solarthermie - alle
Energie - Solarthermie - Installateure
Umwelttechnik - alle
Record changed: 20.02.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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