EBARA Precision Machinery Europe GmbH - Office Dresden


Am Promigberg 20
01108 Dresden


Tel: 0351 888 5760 Fax: 0351 888 5766 https://www.ebara-pm.eu/

Contact person

Dr. Reinhart Richter
Mühlweg 2C
82054 Sauerlach
Tel: +49 6181 1876 0


The Japanese EBARA Group is a globally leading supplier of components and systems to the chip industry. Its product range comprises on the one hand components like vacuum pumps, waste gas treatment systems and accessories and on the other hand systems, like chemical mechanical polishers, electroplating systems for front-end and back-end areas and ozone generators.

EBARA Precision Machinery Europe GmbH (EPME) was founded in 1994 as subsidiary of the EBARA Group for the field of semiconductors. With 120 employees, EPME is committed to the sale and services as well as to application and engineering of its product range for chip production. Its main location sites are Dresden and Regensburg in Germany, Evry, Rousset and Grenoble in France, Edinburgh and Newcastle in Great Britain, Dublin in Ireland and Migdal Haemek in Israel.

Systems for chip production most not only constantly meet these increasing demands in terms of their basic concept. They must also be adaptable for continuously changing and intensifying conditions of application. Just as important is the guarantee of a reliable round-the-clock service for customers.

The highly innovative products made by EBARA are applied by major clients of the chip industry like Intel, Infineon, Atmel, or AMD. Staff of EPME is engaged here by providing suitable engineering solutions to improve the efficiency of products, to communication between different products and the factory's periphery, to conduct product evaluations, to accompany production launches and to fulfil the high quality and production targets of clients through professional commitment.

Core Competence: Equipment Manufacturer

Specializations: Vacuum Technology, Abatement, CMP, Deposition, Cleaning

Business Fields: Semiconductor Industry


Herstellung von nicht elektrischen Mess-, Kontroll-, Navigations- u. ä. Instrumenten und Vorrichtungen
Herstellung von kälte- und lufttechnischen Erzeugnissen, nicht für den Haushalt
Herstellung von sonstigen nicht wirtschaftszweigspezifischen Maschinen a. n. g.

Saxon technology areas

Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - sonstiger Maschinenbau
Medizintechnik - alle
Mikroelektronik - alle
Mikroelektronik - Zulieferung
Record changed: 14.06.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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