Fraunhofer Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme (IVI)


Zeunerstraße 38
01069 Dresden


Tel: 0351 4640 612 Fax: 0351 4640 613

Contact person

Matthias Klingner
Zeunerstraße 38
01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 4640 640
Elke Sähn
Zeunerstraße 38
01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 4640 612 Fax: 0351 4640 613


The Fraunhofer IVI works on the solution of urgent transport problems on behalf of the European Union, German ministries, local authorities and administrative collectivities. Collaborations exist also with national and international industrial partners, small- and medium-sized companies, public transportation services and system houses. The institute possesses a capable research infrastructure and an excellent mixture of young and experienced well-educated employees.

The research topics are wide spread and include transport telematics, disposition and logistics. Furthermore, vehicle and propulsion technologies, the development of sensor systems for traffic supervision and vehicle guidance as well as the fields of traffic planning and traffic ecology are investigated. The institute takes its responsibility seriously and committed to make transport more
sustainable without restrictions on the individual mobility.

Currently, the institute’s interdisciplinary and technology-oriented research and development efforts include the following fields:
- Intermodal Traffic Information and Transport Management Systems
- Electromobility
- System Models and Process Control of hybrid propulsion systems
- Vehicle concepts and design of new public transport systems
- Simulation and test of vehicle steering and guidance systems
- High current energy transmission into vehicles

The Fraunhofer IVI does work for the European Union, German Federal Ministries, municipalities, administrative cooperatives as well as national and international industry partners, small and medium-sized companies, public transport companies and systems vendors.

Research focus:
- Intermodal traffic information and transportation management systems
- Transportation systems engineering: energy and engine management; process engineering; energy supply systems
- Driver assistance and operations control: vehicle control systems; driver-vehicle interaction; automation and monitoring components

The Fraunhofer IVI's field of work is concentrated on applied research contributions, developments, prototype construction, large field tests as well as consulting and analytical services concerning traffic related questions.

Paramount goals are the influence of traffic generating potentials, the reduction of physical traffic through electronic communication, the relocation of polluting road traffic to environmentally friendly carriers, perfecting the use and utilisation of existing transportation systems as well as the integration of the different carriers to an optimal and complete intermodal transport system. Furthermore, the Fraunhofer IVI makes important contributions to the optimisation of traffic carriers. This includes the conceptual design of new transport systems, the simulation, construction and testing of sustainable propulsion as well as the development and application of driver assistance systems.

The Fraunhofer IVI works by order of the European Union, German ministries, local authorities, administrative collectivities as well as national and international industrial partners, small- and medium-sized companies, public transportation services and system houses.

research subjects: Felicitas -Fuel cell power-trains and Clustering in heavy-duty transport (EU FP 6)
Orinoko - Traffic Management for the Region Nürnberg (Verkehrsmanagement 2010)
Handyticket - Ticketing via Mobile Phone
Mosaique - Innovative Traffic Management for Mitteldeutschland (Verkehrsmanagement 2010)
Safelane - Lane Keeping Assistant (EU FP 6)
AutoTram - intermediate Test Vehicle for Alternative Propulsion Systems and Vehicle Guidance Systems
HyTra - Mobile Hydrogen Infrastructure
MobiKat - IT System for precaution and coverage of disaster situations

Adequate storage systems balance energy supply and demand. Along this systemic functional chain, Fraunhofer IVI offers its research and development services in the field of energy storage technologies. The institute’s expertise reaches from storage-based strategies for grid integration of fluctuating renewable energy up to model-based energy management of complex multivalent storage types. In addition to the electrical and thermal characterization of single cells, modules and batteries, we are experienced in DC-DC power electrics and its control algorithms. Practical implementations for our system solutions can be found in stationary as well as in mobile applications. Striking application example of the institute is the transportation system AutoTram®: In its first generation developed as an engineering platform for different storage technologies for traction energy, by now a second generation has been successfully rolled out.


Forschung und Entwicklung
Sonstige Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

Saxon technology areas

Automobilindustrie - alle
Automobilindustrie - Organisationen, Verbände, Öffentliche Institutionen
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - Forschung und Bildung
BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Energie - alle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Batterietechnik
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Wasserstofftechnologie
Logistik - alle
Logistik - logistische Dienstleistungen
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - elektrische Automation
Maschinenbau - Feinwerktechnik und Präzisionsmechanik
Maschinenbau - Forschung/Entwicklung und Bildung
Maschinenbau - Sensorik, Meß- und Prüftechnik
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Forschung und Bildung
Record changed: 21.08.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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