Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e.V.


Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig


Tel: +49 341 235 2405 Fax: +49 341 2352701

Contact person

Roger Gläser
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 235 2405 Fax: 0341 235 2701
Jörg Hofmann
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 235 2214 Fax: 0341 235 2701


Adsorption, extraction, high temperature chemistry, high pressure chemistry, new materials, supercritical fluids, analytics, waste air treatment, waste water treatment, katalytic oxidation, process data, biogas, ultrasound, microwaves, biomethane

Major customers, markets and industries:
Chemical industry, environmental chemistry, manufacturers of catalysts or porous materials, process engineering

Field of main application:
- Cleaning of air and waste gases with adsorption, absorption and gas scrubbing; determination of adsorption isotherms and break trough curves and thermophysical properties for design of plants
- water, waste water and ground water treatment with oxidation technologies with hydrogen peroxide and/or ozone, catalysis, adsorption, absorption, ion exchange and membrane technology
- using of microwaves and ultrasound
- specific analysis of water and gases, determination of sum parameters, investigation of process data and parameters
- validation of different physical and chemical technologies for cleaning
of water and gases in lab scale and pilot scale
- selection of applicable technologies for real waste water

Research focus:
- research on activated carbon filters, used in gas stations and cars for preventing the emission of hydrocarbons
- investigation of activity of catalysts for gasoline engines and diesel engines

The aim of the INC is the customer-focused, market-ready development and implementation of science and technology and innovative techniques and methods in the field of chemical and physico-chemical process and process technology. One focus is the optimization of the production of biogas and biomethane and the injection into natural gas distribution grid. In addition, new porous materials and systems are examined for their suitability for use as adsorptive gas storages. Further the characterization of new composite materials for thermo-chemical storage of heat is another research field of the INC. This storage is based on sorption in combination with hydration of salts. These materials can be tested for their sorption capacity and their stability. Information on the amount of storable heat and renewability permit can be extracted from sorption isotherms and their temperature dependence.

Competences and Primary Activities:

• Rainfall-Runoff-Modelling
• 2d/3d numeric flow calculation in water engineering
• physical simulation tests in water engineering
• flow measurement in sewage systems and rivers
• urban hydrology planning
• evaluation of flood risks
• flood risk management planning

Key Research Activities:

• 3D numeric flow calculation
• sedimentation
• simulation of flash floods
• decentralised systems


Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Biotechnologie
Sonstige Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

Saxon technology areas

Automobilindustrie - alle
Automobilindustrie - Organisationen, Verbände, Öffentliche Institutionen
Automobilindustrie - Zulieferindustrie - Forschung und Bildung
BIOÖKONOMIE! (Biobasierte Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Biomasse – Produktion/Verarbeitung)
Energie - alle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Batterietechnik
Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Energie - Speichertechnik - Thermische Energie
Energie - Speichertechnik - Wasserstofftechnologie
Umwelttechnik - alle
Umwelttechnik - Forschung und Bildung
Umwelttechnik - Institutionen / Verbände / Netzwerke
Umwelttechnik - Luft / Luftreinhaltung
Record changed: 29.12.2023 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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