PL Germany GmbH


Zwickauer Straße 46
01069 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 85478057 Fax: +49 351 88344100

Contact person

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World leading in the development, manufacture and commercialization of flexible electrophoretic displays, Plastic Logic Germany has successfully industrialized the manufacturing process in its Dresden facility. Working under an exclusive license using a stable and proven transistor platform technology, the company manufactures a full range of high-quality, flexible plastic displays in both low and high volumes. These shatterproof, formable, daylight-readable displays are ultra-thin, lightweight and very low-power, offering huge advantages over conventional screens, being extremely robust with proven lifetimes. Plastic Logic Germany also runs an open pilot line for flexible electronics. Third party companies are invited to benefit from the company’s profound experience in the industrialization and manufacture of flexible electronics. Plastic Logic Germany’s customers include OEMs and electronics manufacturers for signage and logistics, mobile electronic devices, smart cards, wearables and more.

Core Competence:
Display Manufacturer

Polymer Electronics

Business Fields:
Semiconductor Industry


Herstellung von sonstigen elektronischen Bauelementen
Herstellung von Datenverarbeitungsgeräten und peripheren Geräten

Saxon technology areas

Elektronik - alle
Elektronik - Forschung und Bildung
Elektronik - Geräteindustrie
Medizintechnik - alle
Nanotechnologie - alle
Nanotechnologie - Forschung und Bildung
Record changed: 01.09.2022 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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